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SKU JJ-WB79-03




The British 79th Regiment of Foot, was raised in November 1757, originally as the 64th with drafts taken from the 4th, 8th and 24th foot, but was later re-numbered during the shake up after various second Battalions were taken into the line. The regiment was to mainly see service in India from 1758, and was disbanded in 1764. Its commander was Major Brereton



The Battle of Wandewash was a confrontation between the French under the command of The Comte de Lally, and the British Sir Eyre Coote. It was the decisive battle in the Anglo French struggle in southern India during the Seven Years War. Lally, cut off from sea support by the withdrawal of Admiral d’Aché’s fleet and hampered by a lack of funds and by dissensions among his troops, tried to recover the fort of Wandiwash near Pondicherry. There he was attacked and routed by Coote, with about 1,700 British troops against about 2,000 French. Lally’s best general, the marquis de Bussy, was captured. The French were thereafter confined to Pondicherry, which surrendered on Jan. 16, 1761, after much privation. Lally was later imprisoned and executed, after a trial in Paris, for alleged treason


The following two British regular units served in India and were present at the battle of Wandewash. It should be noted however that it was rare for these units to serve as complete battalions, and that they were generally broken up into detachments.




The British 79th Regiment of Foot, was raised in November 1757, originally as the 64th with drafts taken from the 4th, 8th and 24th foot, but was later re-numbered during the shake up after various second Battalions were taken into the line. The regiment was to mainly see service in India from 1758, and was disbanded in 1764. Its commander was Major Brereton


Scale: 1/30
Material: Pewter alloy and synthetic fibers
Released Date: April 2025

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Gender Men
Role Flagbearers, Officers & Leaders
Year Mid 18th Century
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