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The Sherden were sea pirates and were first engaged as mercenaries by Rameses II who had defeated them in a battle. He defeated them in his second year (1278 BC) when they attempted to raid Egypt's coast. The pharaoh subsequently incorporated many of these warriors into his personal guard.



The Egyptian Armies had from the earliest of times contained mercenary soldiers, most notably the Nubians who provided excellent archers. In addition to the Nubians, were recruited Libyans, and eventually the Peoples of The Sea.

The Sherden were sea pirates and were first engaged as mercenaries by Rameses II who had defeated them in a battle. He defeated them in his second year (1278 BC) when they attempted to raid Egypt's coast. The pharaoh subsequently incorporated many of these warriors into his personal guard.

Ramesses stated in his Kadesh inscriptions that he incorporated some of the Sherden into his own personal guard at the Battle of Kadesh.

Their bronze helmets were horned and surmounted by a bronze disc raised on a small shaft. They wore leather armour which was studded with metal, and was worn over a pleated kilt and secured at the waist by a girdle. They were armed with a great bronze stabbing sword, and carried a round wooden shield with bronze studs and a bronze rim.

Scale: 1/30
Material: Pewter alloy and synthetic fibers
Released Date: March 2025

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Gender Men
Year Antiquity
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