Although initially the Carthaginian army was composed only of Citizens of Phoenician origin, it saw increased recruitment of contingents of mercenaries and allies a necessity in order to realize the policy of imperial expansion. This use of mercenaries saved the metropolitan population from heavy casualties that were not easily replaceable, and it also reflected the Carthaginian concept of war, which was considered simply as an extension of business. With the enlargement of Punic economic interests the army became more exclusively mercenary and progressively came to include almost all the peoples of the central and western Mediterranean area.
Although initially the Carthaginian army was composed only of Citizens of Phoenician origin, it saw increased recruitment of contingents of mercenaries and allies a necessity in order to realize the policy of imperial expansion. This use of mercenaries saved the metropolitan population from heavy casualties that were not easily replaceable, and it also reflected the Carthaginian concept of war, which was considered simply as an extension of business. With the enlargement of Punic economic interests the army became more exclusively mercenary and progressively came to include almost all the peoples of the central and western Mediterranean area.
Although initially the Carthaginian army was composed only of Citizens of Phoenician origin, it saw increased recruitment of contingents of mercenaries and allies a necessity in order to realize the policy of imperial expansion. This use of mercenaries saved the metropolitan population from heavy casualties that were not easily replaceable, and it also reflected the Carthaginian concept of war, which was considered simply as an extension of business. With the enlargement of Punic economic interests the army became more exclusively mercenary and progressively came to include almost all the peoples of the central and western Mediterranean area.
The success of Carthage in bringing most of central and southern Iberia under its control was a crucial element in their continued ability to pursue the war against Rome. Iberian troops probably fell into two rough classifications, the Scutarii and the Caetratii. These types basically defined the type of shield, with the Scutum being a large flat oval shield with a wooden spine and metal boss. The Caetra was a flat, smaller round shield with a circular metal boss. Both troop types were armed with a dagger and sword, as well as spears for hand to hand fighting and for throwing.
The Scutarius were well armoured heavy infantry, and the Celtibarians were mainly from the north, and were heavily influenced by their Gallic neighbours. Those who fought with Hannibal would have been mercenaries, and in organization and military effectiveness would have been much the same as the Gauls. They were known to be fierce, independent and dangerous.
Scale: 1/30
Material: Pewter alloy and synthetic fibers
Released Date: April 2025
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Gender | Men |
Year | Antiquity |
Availabilities | Coming Soon |