TRW200 - Trooper Crouching Ready
TRW199 - Trooper Standing Firing Carbine
TRW198 - Corporal Crouching Loading Carbine
TRW197 - Trooper Kneeling Firing Carbine
TRW196 - Standing Ready Trooper
TRW195 - Officer Firing Pistol
TRW194 - The Magnificent Seven
TRW186 - Marshal ‘Rooster’ Cogburn
TRW130 - Lieutenant Cantrell
TRW129 - First Sergeant Rutledge
TRW128 - Capt. Nathan Brittles
TRW126 - Errol Flynn’s Custer
TRW114 - Sgt. Robert H. Hughes
TRW097 - Captain Tom Custer
TRW089 - Bugler John Martin
TRW061(P) - Little Wolf
TRW037(P) - Rain-In-The-Face
TRW035(P) - Crazy Horse
TRW021 - Lieutenant Cooke
TRW020 - Lt. Col. Custer
TR018 - Louis ⅩⅣ The Sun King
TR017 - King Edward Ⅶ
TR016 - The Queen & Her Corgis (Tangerine Orange)
TR014 - The Queen & Her Corgis (Royal Purple)
TR013 - Queen ElizabethⅡ in State Attire