FOB157 - General Douglas MacArthur
DD371 - Winston S. Churchill
DD348 - FFI Young Resistance Girl
DD330 - Capitaine de Fregate Philippe Kieffer
DD328 - General Charles De Gaulle
CW139 - Brigadier General Strong Vincent
CW119 - Colonel John W. McLane
CW106 - General Robert E. Lee
CW105 - Major General J.E.B. Stuart
CHK008 - His Excellency, The Hong Kong Governor
CE117 - The Irish Guards Mascot Seamus and Handler
CE107 - The Princess Royal - Colonel of The Blues & Royals
CE094 - King Charles III
CE089 - The Young Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ
CE074 - HM King Edward VIII - Colonel-In-Chief of the Welsh Guards
CE073 - HRH Prince Philip - Colonel of the Grenadier Guards
CE055 - Her Majesty Queen ElizabethⅡ
CE052 - HRH Prince William
CE051 - His Royal Highness, Prince Charles
CD021 - Emiliano Zapata… The Mexican Revolutionary
AK152 - General Erwin Rommel (Summer Uniform)
AK151 - General Erwin Rommel (Desert Uniform)
AF043 - Capt. Don Gentile’s P51B Mustang ‘Shangri La’
AE109 - Miss Jane Marple
AE108 - Colonel Niven