JJ-ACE-203 - Bf-109 E4 Red Band
DISCLAIMER: Please note that Toy Soldiers Club is not supporting nazi ideologies nor wants to promote them. Those historical figures are available here because we need them to explain all the horrors mankind faced during World War Two. Without showing them, the sacrifices and efforts made by a whole generation of people living in allied countries would just make no sense. Plus, we hope that using those figures in a proper context could serve as a tool to teach the future generations the danger of such ideologies. Like Winston Churchill once said when paraphrasing Santayana, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
This aircraft crash landed at Monkton, Kent on 5th September 1940, the pilot Hauptmann Wilhem Meyerweissflog was captured unhurt. The RAF Crash Report, indicates that the aircraft was camouflaged in light navy grey with a red band around the cowling and with red/white spinner and white wing tips.
Years | Mid 20th Century |
Vehicles | Planes |
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